Hiral Shah, Nidhi Gondaliya, Ankita Patel, Tosha Gor, Ruchita Vagadiya
Bacterial pectinase enzyme is very much important at industrial
level for different processes This present study focus on bacterial pectinase.
Pectinase producing bacterial
spp.is screen out from soil.
About seven cultures of bacterial spp. were isolated from farmland soil sample
using pectin agar plates. The selected isolates showed the zone of hydrolysis
to confirmed the production of pectinase from the isolates. Among them the
culture S4 showed prominent
zone of hydrolysis surrounding the colony. Pectinase activity of each isolate
were checked at an interval of 24 hrsusing DNSA method to access the enzyme
efficiency produced by respective isolates. Keeping the ideal growth conditions
the highest pectinase activity obtained among isolates was 11.43 U/ ml, by
culture S4.Optimum
condition for pectinase production was found at 72hrs. incubation period, 37˚C temperature and
alkaline pH of 10 could be the optimum cultural conditions for bacterial strain
S4. Bacterial strain S4
gave 40.85 U/ml partially purified enzyme.
Pectinase, Submerged
fermentation, partially purified, Bacterial Spp., Screening
VOL.14, ISSUE No.1, March 2022