Ravees Ahmad Rather, Firdous Ahmad Sofal
This study investigated the various challenges for teacher education in India as perceived by the staff of tertiary institutions conducting teacher education programs. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. A stratified sampling technique was used to select eighteen tertiary institutions from the six-geo-political zones in India. A structured questionnaire was designed and validated for the study. This instrument was administered on 450 in the sampled tertiary institutions. The instrument was complemented with oral interview with the Dean of Faculties of Education, Directors of Institutes of Education and Provosts of the Colleges. The data collected were analyzed using frequency count, percentage score and t-test statistic. The hypotheses were formulated tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study revealed that the various perceived challenges facing teacher education in India include professionalisation of teaching, socio-economic and political environments, personnel in terms of quality and quantity, instructional resources and infrastructures. Moreover, the' perceptions of the challenges were significantly influenced by gender and type of institution. All stake holders of education in India must intensify efforts in meticulously addressing these challenges to enhance effective delivery of teacher education in the country. The' perceptions of the challenges were significantly influenced by gender and type of institution. All stake holders of education in India must intensify efforts in meticulously addressing these challenges to enhance effective delivery of teacher education in the country. The' perceptions of the challenges were significantly influenced by gender and type of institution. All stake holders of education in India must intensify efforts in meticulously addressing these challenges to enhance effective delivery of teacher education in the country.
Teacher Education, Tertiary institutions, Professionalization, Challenges,
VOL.14, ISSUE No.1, March 2022