is a word that every married woman wants to hear. But due to physical
disability in the couple, some are not able to get this happiness. Due to
which, along with mental stress, under social pressure, the married woman
starts seeing this disability as an emotional and social stigma. In surrogacy, an agreement is made between a woman and a couple
seeking a child. Under this, the legal parents of the child born out of this
pregnancy are only those couples who have done surrogacy. The surrogate mother is
given money to take care of herself during pregnancy and for medical needs so
that she can take care of herself during pregnancy. There was no law
regulating Surrogacy and Assisted Reproductive Technology and it was regulated
through guidelines. Through this research paper, you will get the answer of all
the questions related to laws in India relating to surrogacy.
Mother, Women, Law, Technology
VOL.14, ISSUE No.1, March 2022