Abhijit Deb
world is no more the world of yesterday. Nearly every aspects of life have
changed and have taken a new shape. Nowadays technology embraced with life
integrally. There is no field of human activity where technology failed to
touch. Human nowadays become technology based. So today’s learner and
yesterday’s learners seem to have a wide range difference in terms of learning,
gaining knowledge, doing study and so on. To cope up with this the New
education Policy-2020 is being launched in India. New education policy stressed
on creative thinking, critical thinking, analytical thinking development of the
children by the help of those they can learn effectively and efficiently as per
their individuality and get opportunity to develop themselves perfect for the
upcoming World. In this regard digital education is also being emphasized by
the policy. This paper tries to explore the different aspects of NEP 2020 with
special reference to Digital education and find out some issues related to
implementation of this policy and make some suggestion.
Technology based Learning,
National Education Policy, Digital Education, Digitalization
VOL.14, ISSUE No.1, March 2022