Najeeb P. M.
paper is an examination of the ideas of egocentrism and altruism as illustrated
in The Platform, a 2019 Spanish
movie, in the light of Covid 19 pandemic.
The movie, which was released on Netflix during the beginning of the
pandemic, is a loud pronouncement on the vices of selfishness and cutthroat
competition for resources. It reminds the viewers of a central idea in the
Gandhian philosophy: sarvodaya or
welfare for all. It warns that competition is detrimental for the society as a
whole and instead advocates a philosophy of co-operation and solidarity
especially during times of crises. Pursuing one’s own self-centred desires will
not fulfil the meaning of life. The paper illustrates the conflict between the
principles of selfishness and altruism as exemplified by the protagonists of
the movie. It goes into an in depth analysis of ‘need’ and ‘greed’ as two vital
forces of social life as shown in the movie and draws ideas from Luis Bunuel’s
movie The Discreet Charm of Bourgeois
to demonstrate the futile and inconclusive nature of greed. The paper tries to
conclude that it is through altruism, solidarity and cooperation, not through
selfishness and competition that the world can survive as a whole.
co-operation, competition, Covid pandemic, egocentrism, Gandhi, sarvodaya , solidarity.
VOL.14, ISSUE No.1, March 2022