Shama P Ansari
MOOCs provide a chance for anyone to
learn and grow from anywhere in the world. MOOCs must be made accessible to
everyone because we all need to be educated about our world to make it a better
place. MOOCs offer a variety of educational opportunities that can help
students in life-long learning. Massive open online courses, or MOOCs, are free
and open to anyone who wants to take them. MOOCs are designed to provide
content that is accessible to a wide range of students. The courses are usually
self-paced and do not require any formal, on-campus registration. They can be viewed
from any gadget with an stable internet
connection. The massive open online course has many components out of which one
is a pre-course survey to know the background of the students enrolled in it. The objective of present study is to examine a pre-course
survey that can help MOOC course
developers and instructors to get to know their learners and get a indepth background of the students enrolled in their courses.
The survey consists of a demographic questionnaire and was also a question
related to their intention and motivation to enroll in the course. Findings revealed that the majority of the students
were unaware of what is MOOC and also they are interested to enrol in the present
MOOC to explore online learning and engage in life-long learning.
Massive open online course, demographics,
motivations, M.Ed., gender.
VOL.14, ISSUE No.1, March 2022