Rajesh Ekka
The most of the Boards like CBSC, ICSC, ISC and other
State boards of the country are appling the different patterns to evaluate the
students. In the midst of the pandemic some of the Higher Educational Institutions
decided to conduct the online and offline mode of examination according to the
guidelines given by the UGC. The response of the future teachers, the last
semester students of B.Ed. Department under Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar
University (A Central University) was conducted between 14th
December, 2021 to 26th December, 2021. The questionnaire was
prepared by the coordinator of the examination to know their view on the Online
Examination. The coordinators also issued SOP (Standard Operating Procedure)
keeping in view of Covid – 19 for the students as well as for the teachers
before conducting the Online Examination.
trainee, online, examination, Covid-19………………etc.
VOL.14, ISSUE No.1, March 2022