Somiya Anam
This paper specifies propositions
to explain the occurrence of a theory to restructure retail formats on the
bases of demographic variables. It focuses on one specific need of a paradigm
shift for retail industry due to digitization.
This covers the retail formats, retail related consumer behavior and
theory to restructure the formats. These consequences and concerns include the
evolution of new retail formats. It augments changes to be brought in to the
market structure due to the continuous dynamic growth in different disciplines
of electronic retail structure and globally growing concern for the shared
sales of store formats. This research was aimed to compare and identify the
features of retail stores and adopt it to meet the need of modern retail industry.
The significant and continuous growth of e-commerce as
well as the
digital transformation itself are
responsible for a necessary transformation process of the existing retail
sector. Studying empirically, it highlights that to serve the customer better
and offer a good customer-experience, it seems necessary to adopt the necessary
features for the formats. As an outcome concrete occurrences and the path for
the retailers will be derived. This will help retailer to decide which
demographic variables will impact their stores while deciding the adopting
changes to their formats as per their type of store and product segment.
Consumer Behavior, Retail, Retail Formats, digitalization, demographic variables
VOL.14, ISSUE No.1, March 2022