Jaimin Trivedi, Mehul Mistry
changing world of digital era emphasizing on the e-governance in the banking
sector services. Moreover, the other factors like pandemic situation,
demonetizations etc. are considered to be triggers to the digitization which
demands e-banking services. Therefore, it is required to study about the
e-banking services and its efficiency to facilitate customers in the pattern
and practices to opt for the same. Adaptability and efficiency of the e-banking
services is considered to be a healthy sign of developing economy. If consumers
are satisfied and if they develop their skill of adaptability then the banking
sector can be revolutionized with the drastic change. This study covers the efficiency
of the selected e-banking services on the customer satisfaction. The whole
study is based on primary data which have been obtained through questionnaire
which have been circulated through Google form. Further statistical analysis
has been applied to test the hypothesis based on the selected variables, which
have been considered to measures the efficiency of the e-banking services. The
selected variables are accuracy & reliability, consumer redressal,
user-friendly, safety and security. The outcome is that, the selected group of
respondents is satisfied with the selected e-banking services under the present
study. Further, it can be concluded that the selected parameters are
significantly affecting the customer satisfaction in the e-banking services.
Services, Customer satisfaction, Efficiency
VOL.14, ISSUE No.1, March 2022