Priyanki R Vyas, Kinjal G Parmar
The emergence of the novel
coronavirus Covid-19 has quickly spread information, misinformation, and fake
news across the world. Health literacy contributes to sharing information and
responsibilities between health care providers and users, and understanding
health communication through sharing. The present research assesses the level
of health information literacy among undergraduates and postgraduates distance
learners of library and information science in Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open
University. The questionnaire was designed using the Likert method, and
constrained in four sections i.e., Information Searching, Information
reliability, Information Sharing and Dissemination in social media, and
Information and Health Information Literacy Level. The researcher used
Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 28 to analyze the questionnaire
using descriptive analyses. The study finds relation of Library Professionals
Age Group and Information Literacy Skill; p-value tested for two variables
i.e., information literacy skills and age group, p-value tested for two
variables i.e., information literacy skills and age group, the value of p<
0.05 is shown that there is the relationship between
library professionals age group and their information literacy skill and alternative
hypothesis accepted. Another relation of Library Professional’s Gender
and Health information literacy; the value of p< 0.05, shows that the null hypothesis
is rejected and there is a relationship between
library professionals’ Gender group and their health
information skills. Both the research hypotheses are alternative
accepted. The result showed a low level of information literacy skill
and health information literacy in distance learners of library and information
science stream, university-organization and libraries needs to increase the
information literacy programs and orientation to aware the distance learners
for searching information social media platforms, which develop the skill of
searching, assessing, dissemination and sharing information with effectively.
COVID-19, Distance Learners, Health
Literacy, Information Literacy, LIS, social media.
VOL.14, ISSUE No.1, March 2022