Augustin Terang
With the advent of Covid-19 in 2019 the concerned
authority imposes lockdown and shutting down of educational institution. Traditional
classroom teaching and learning had to be shifted to virtual learning. Students
dropping out from education and learning loss of student is likely to increase due
to learning difficulties caused by Covid-19 pandemic. Caste, class, religion,
place of birth, culture and socio-economic background are some of the factors
that determines the opportunities of education before Covid-19 pandemic. Factors
of educational inequalities took a new form during pandemic. Descriptive study
method is employed for the present study. It is found from the study that
during Covid-19 pandemic factors like smart phone, internet connectivity,
electricity supply, home environment, parental support and computer skills
determines to what extend children will have access to educational. Attempts
have made to discuss the problem of online learning that have raise the need
for computer skills, good internet connection, stable power supply, smart
phones, conducive learning environment at home and parental support. Although
the issue of educational inequality during pandemic may seem very trivial to
some people yet this has the potential to be the cause of problems like loss of
motivation among the students, grade loss and loss of employment opportunity
and lacking behind their peers for some students. Most of the students facing
virtual learning issue during pandemic belong to the group whose voice did not
receives much attention even when they raise their voice. Through this paper
the author believe that it will serves as a lesson to prepare ourselves for
future pandemic.
Covid-19, Education, impact, deprivation, online
learning, pandemic
VOL.14, ISSUE No.1, March 2022