Prachi Dahiya
To understand the effectiveness of Online learning on
student’s Interpersonal skills. The study focused on the ten interpersonal
skill sets of the sample set of individuals. The study also analyzed two
additional variables expressly the role of instructors in improving the
effectiveness of OLS and its impact on the future work-life success of
methodology/ approach- Data were collected from 384
students (excluding all the outliers and skewed responses) of the Management
studies department of 10 colleges situated in Pune City, Maharashtra, India.
The following research study has focused on those institutes which had recently
adopted the OLS due to COVID-19 social distancing norms. The proposed
hypothesis models were tested with the help of the statistical testing method
of Correlation and Regression analysis using the Microsoft Excel software.
Through correlation analysis, the study has revealed
that interpersonal skills have a rather low but positive correlation.
Additionally, using the regression analysis the impact of OLS on interpersonal
skills has been ascertained. Furthermore, the OLS has an impact on
interpersonal skills except for motivation, dependability, and empathy.
Learning System (OLS), Interpersonal Skills, Effectiveness, Management
Studies and COVID-19 social distancing norms.
VOL.14, ISSUE No.1, March 2022