Ashwathi A, D. Hemalatha Kalaimathi
In any academic institution, great
attention is given to the academic performance of the learners. Studies have
been conducted to review the factors affecting the achievement of the learners.
B.Ed. Student teachers get trained by institutions for teaching the students to
achieve good grades therefore their perception towards their academic success
needs more focus and evidence. Teaching in the classroom can be quite
overwhelming and stressful. The way a teacher and student reacts to stressful
moments can make a difference. A mindful approach in the classroom by the
teachers can change the classroom experience in a much better way. In the
current study the researcher has attempted to study the significant differences
among the student teachers based on their Gender, Time spent on social media
and Type of Institution with respect to Perceived Academic Success. The
Perceived Academic Success Scale developed and standardised by the researcher
and guide (Ashwathi & Dr. D. Hemalatha Kalaimathi, 2019) was used for data
collection. 1180 B.Ed. student teachers voluntarily participated. The findings
revealed significant differences in Perceived Academic Success and its
dimension Internal factors at .01 level based on the Type of Institution
whereas no significant difference was observed based on Gender and Time spent
on social media. The findings have been briefly discussed.
Perceived Academic Success, Type of
Institution, social media
VOL.14, ISSUE No.1, March 2022