Dr Chetan Trivedi , Rohal Raval
present research paper undertakes a detailed analysis of the central themes of
the television series Loki (2021), a continuation of the Marvel
Cinematic Universe (MCU) on the small screen. The first and last episode of the
show are especially significant for their grappling with the age-old uncertainty
over Free Will and Determinism. The revelation of the autocratic nature of the Time
Variance Authority (TVA) (controlled by the secretive Time Keepers who in turn
are revealed to have been created by the elusive He Who Remains) and its involvement
in the dissemination of a particular ideology and propaganda provides the
narrative an opportunity to explore the theme of resistance to autocratic rule
(represented in the character of Sylvie) and the ideology and propaganda spread
by autocratic rulers and/or institutions (the former represented by the Time
Keepers and He Who Remains whereas the latter by the Time Variance Authority
[TVA]). However, with the series itself calling into question the (alleged)
benefits of Free Will and assuming a pessimistic, if not critical, stance over
post-revolutionary conditions has led to the show being interpreted by some as
conservative in nature or in favour of maintaining status-quo. Through the
characters of C – 20 and Sylvie respectively the series also directs our
attention to the likely fate awaiting those who (after being enlightened) start
questioning the official ideology or rise up in opposition to it. Finally, the
paper attempts to situate the Queering of Loki, the series’ titular character, which
constitutes a small but significant step towards including sexualities other
than the dominant heterosexual within the MCU, in the wider context of the
history of the representation of diverse sexualities in the MUC and critical
reactions to it.
Free Will and Determinism. He Who Remains. Ideology. Loki/Loki (TV Series/Character). Sylvie. Queer
VOL.14, ISSUE No.1, March 2022