J. M. Badiyani
banking is growing in the world and India. This paper examines the relationship
of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty among online banking customers in
Gujarat state of India. Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is measured
on the basis of several factors affecting online banking customers. A sample of
281 customers through convenience sampling method was surveyed using structured
questionnaire. The analysis is done using descriptive analysis, pearson
correlation coefficient, regression analysis, t test and ANOVA test. Positive correlation is found using pearson
correlation method and regression model is formed. Comparing various
demographic groups like gender, age, education and income, significant difference
is found in customer satisfaction between male and female and among few income
groups. For formulating marketing strategies, further research is required but,
the research has thrown light on relationship and demographic group
banking, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, demographic groups,
correlation, regression.
VOL.14, ISSUE No.1, March 2022