Jyoti Sheokand
present paper aims at finding out the relation between computer self-efficacy
and personality among undergraduate students in Haryana. The sample comprised
of 100(50 boys and 50girls) respondents from various colleges in Haryana.
Computer Self-Efficacy Scale (CSES) self-developed tool, and H.J.Eysenck’s Maudelsy
Personality Inventory by “S.S Jalota and S.D. Kapoor” were used as personality
tool. Appropriate statistical technique like Descriptive Statistics, Pearson’s
correlation, t-test was applied by using SPSS. Obtained finding and reported in
the paper of result and discussion. Result indicates that distribution of items
in the Neuroticism and Extraversion dimensions of the long and short scale of
the M.P.I. contribute to explain computer self-efficacy.
Self-Efficacy, Personality, Extraversion, Neuroticism, Gender.
VOL.14, ISSUE No.1, March 2022