Abhisarika Prajapati, Gadamsetty Surya
The literal meaning of the word ‘Dalit’ itself represents
the life of Dalits. The word “Dalit” means broken or scattered Dalits in Indian
society are known for suppression and poverty from centuries. The reason behind
this suppression is old age Caste system which is deeply rooted in the mindset
of Indians. Even with the development of the country we still see how caste
system is being prevalent in the Indian society and how Dalits are still being
exposed to many atrocities even beside fundamental rights and special legal
provisions provided by the Indian Constitution. This paper studies few recent
atrocities on Dalits and also discusses about fundamental rights and special
legal provisions provided for Dalits. The resources have been collected from
various newspapers and websites.
Dalits, atrocity, caste system, fundamental rights.
VOL.14, ISSUE No.1, March 2022