Ansuya Chaudhari
Travel Narrative as a genre is a factual
representation or rather re-creation of personal and individual anecdotes of
travel experiences, that is to say the literary representation of a real travel
with all its enthralling experiences. It can also be an introspection of the
journey which had been completed by the author and also an objective
documentation of his travel experiences. Amitav Ghosh is also one such writer. He frequently uses history in his novels and essays
inculcated in travel narrative. He is passionately involved with history
crossing of national and international frontiers area old theme, to which Ghosh
gives a new dimension. His works, The Circle of Reason, The Shadow Lines, In
An Antique Land, The Calcutta Chromosome, The Glass Palace and travelogues
–Countdown and Dancing in Cambodia At Large in Burma brought him
International fame and recognition. The aim
of this paper is to analyze how Amitav Ghosh has reconstructed history of
time and history of Cambodia and Myanmar. The narration of Ghosh’s travel experiences
in these countries brings to the fore the complex temporal dimensions of
history in Dancing in Cambodia and At Large in Burma.
narrative, History, Travel Experiences, Cambodia, Myanmar
VOL.14, ISSUE No.1, March 2022