Mohan Singh
look at the world through our worldviews and behave as per the given worldview constructed
by socialisation which are divisive in nature, resulting to disharmony in the
society. Such disharmony brings insensitivity and exclusivity in our behaviour.
And historically, these divisive worldviews are constructed, hypocritically, in
the name of truth, peace, equality etc. In other words, hate insensitivity or disharmony
is constructed, defended and justified in the name of truth, peace, equality
etc. Because ‘these’ created disharmonic worldviews have political and economic
value. As divisive violence brings political value; Violence also sells more
than peace and brings economic value.
problem is there in our worldviews which is the reason of insensitivity in our
life, which can only go by inner awareness, not by imposition or suppression
through law and technology in the name of democracy. In other words, constructed
hate coming from the worldviews cannot be removed by imposition of fear. Fear
only suppresses the problem. But life needs awareness, not suppression. For
this awareness to happen, we need a different kind of understanding which
connect us with the life, which enable people to flow with life, not against
life. Enough mind making has happened in the civilisation in the name of peace,
truth, equality etc. Now we need to be aware of this mind.
2. Socialisation 3.Worldview construction 4. Insensitivity 5. Awareness
VOL.14, ISSUE No.1, March 2022