Kasturi Das, Moyuri Sarma
Psycho-social wellbeing infers psychological wellbeing
and social wellbeing of an individual and whenever an individual is able to
control his emotions or handle them in proper way then it is called as
emotional adjustment. Psychosocial wellbeing and emotional adjustment of an
adolescent brings a proper and positive direction to foster in life. The
present study has been carried out to explore the level of psycho-social
wellbeing and emotional adjustment level of adolescents on the basis of gender.
The study also attempts to find out the relationship between psycho-social
wellbeing and emotional aspect. Descriptive study was conducted among 115
adolescents (61 boys and 54 girls) who were selected by using proportionate
stratified random sampling technique. For this purpose, 7 high schools were
selected by simple random sampling technique. For the assessment of the
psycho-social wellbeing and emotional adjustment, Wellbeing Index developed by
prof. (Dr.) Vijayalaxmi
Chouhan and Dr. Varsha Sharma (2016) and Adjustment Inventory for School
Students developed by A.K.P. Sinha and R.P. Singh (revised 2017) has been used.
Data was analyzed by using t-test and Pearson’s Product Moment Method. The
study revealed that majority of students belong to the average level of
psycho-social wellbeing and emotional adjustment level. There is a significant
difference between
adolescent boys and girls
regarding the level of psycho-social wellbeing. But there exists no difference
in the level of emotional adjustment. The study also revealed that there is no
correlation between psycho-social wellbeing and emotional aspect of
Psycho -social wellbeing, adolescents, emotional
aspect, emotional adjustment
VOL.14, ISSUE No.1, March 2022