The concept of disclosure is great significance to the accomplishment of objectives of financial reporting. Corporate disclosure is an important issue now-a-days. Financial reporting is the communication of financial information of an enterprise to the external world. Corporate annual report is considered as the most effective means of communication to various users groups which bring out relevant financial and non-financial information about corporate performance. As a medium for communicating information, annual reports generally include two types – mandatory and voluntary disclosures. In India mandatory disclosures are required as per the provisions of companies Act 2013. Voluntary disclosures are those which are voluntarily disclosed by companies in their annual reports without any compulsion from the any statute to make report complete. The Full disclosure practice along with transparency in financial reporting can build climate of trust and boost confidence of investors’ community. This paper has been made an attempt to examine the voluntary disclosure pattern of selected company from automobile sector.
VOL.8, ISSUE No.1, March 2016