Khyati Dave
holds greater importance for every civilization, since it plays a very defining
role in the shaping of collective human psyche. Similarly, a history of any
city is equally significant, as it provides one to understand its root, its
beginning and the agencies which remain behind its formation. In this context,
a history of the city like Ahmedabad becomes of vital significance as it often
gets mystified and romanticized in different historical narrations. Hence, a
critical inquiry of its historical roots, especially of its different
nomenclatures can be of tremendous value. Since, on one hand, it avails the
opportunity to understand the socio-economic factors that play a crucial role
in the changing of its name at regular historical blocks beside paving a way
for understanding the religious-political upheavals forcing the people residing
in this town to address it with different names. The present research paper is
an attempt to understand these nuances inherent to different names assigned to
this city at different temporal phases. Apart from that, the researcher has
also tried to locate its pre-sultanate roots which, otherwise, remains outside
the mainstream scholarly deliberations.
Gujarat, antiquity, and Ahmedabad
VOL.13, ISSUE No.4, December 2021