Ashish Mishra, Jigna Trivedi
The article examines the intervention of
World Maritime Bodies like United Nation (UN), International Maritime
Organization (IMO), International Labor Organization (ILO) and its various
associated NGOs/Independent organizations in increasing the participation of
women in maritime sector. The maritime sector is amongst the age old sector
that always has been male dominated with the participation of woman is as low
as less than one percent. The percentage is alarmingly low and in order to
increase the participation the World Maritime bodies took various steps through
various interventions and regulations. Although, the first globally recognized
initiative taken by International Maritime Organization (IMO) only in year 1988
known as “Integration of Women in the Maritime Sector”. Since then IMO,
International Labor Organization (ILO), World Maritime University (WMU), various NGO’s and private sectors have been consistently
working towards the mission. Various programs, conferences, guidelines and
women associations in maritime launched across the world but even after 33
years of International Organization’s intervention the percentage of women in
Maritime sector is below Two percent only. The paper highlights and examines
the various initiatives taken in last 33 years by world maritime bodies in a
chronological order highlighting the effectiveness and limitations leading to a
situation of stalemate in the working women population in maritime sector.
WID, Women, Maritime
VOL.13, ISSUE No.3, September 2021