Dr Chetan Trivedi , Pareshgiri Gauswami
Feminism is a series of collective efforts, progressive
movements, and philosophies aiming at defining and building gender
representation in politics, economics, family, and society. Within the
corporate world, Feminism reflects the position that companies give priority to
male viewpoint(s) and that in these cultures, women are unfairly punished. This
paper probes Radical Feminism as reflected in the major female characters of One
Amazing Thing (2010) by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni. The novel deals not only with the theme of women’s
voice, but also with social conflicts.
Radical feminism is a perspective within feminism that calls for
a radical reorganization of society in which male
authority is abolished in all social and economic contexts. Radical
feminists view society as fundamentally patriarchal in
which men govern and dominate women.
Radical feminists seek to abolish patriarchy in order to
release everyone from an unfair society by challenging existing social
standards and institutions. This includes opposing the sexual objectification of
women, spreading awareness about women’s rights among society and also about
such issues as rape, harassment, extortion and violence against
women, and challenging the concept of gender roles. One Amazing Thing
by Divakaruni explores many perspectives around this Theory of Literature. The
work of fiction narrates the story of nine different characters and among them
five are female. All the female characters possess an important role in this
novel which shows the importance of women’s voice. The novel depicts the pains
and problems faced by the women of Indian and American-Indian society and the
way it (can) lead(s) to Radical Feminism.
Feminism, Radical
Feminism, Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, One Amazing Thing.
VOL.13, ISSUE No.3, September 2021