Kinjal Bhadresha, Rakesh Rawal, Alaykumar Mehta, Himanshu Pandya
present investigation was carried out to assess the physico-chemical
characteristics of Mangrove region in the Kavi, Dhuvara and Somnath for a
period of ten (10) months. Surface water samples were collected from the chosen
sampling stations at fortnightly intervals and analyzed to provide baseline
information on the physico-chemical characteristics of these coastal biotopes.
During the study period, variations observed in different water quality
parameters of mangrove stations respectively. The present study would be
helpful in assessing the changes in water quality that might happen in long run
due to port development, regular port activities, industries that are in
operation in and around the port area, shrimp farming etc.
analysis, Mangroves, Environment, Physico-chemical analysis
VOL.13, ISSUE No.3, September 2021