Tarunkumar Duggal, Diptiba Gohil
as a concept has intrigued philosophers of all ages and each philosopher has
added to the richness of the concept. At a practical level, the feeling of
injustice is one which compels people to resort to all sorts of actions on
their part. And it is not easy to come up with a theory that can be termed as
the most perfect for a particular society. But many philosophers have given a
theory which has remained on paper and was not really a theory which could be
implemented on ground. Rawls was one theorist who gave a theory which was quite
relevant for the contemporary times and he also managed to give his principles
for its implementation on the ground. An attempt has been made in this paper to
understand in detail about his theory and the limitations that it has been
experiencing as well as the various criticisms of the same.
Equal Basic Liberties; Difference Principle; Branches; Micheal Sandel;
VOL.13, ISSUE No.3, September 2021