J. M. Badiyani
paper examines the perceived satisfaction of customers of vegetables during
lockdown period of 2020 because of covid 19 in Gujarat state of India. A sample of 380 customers were surveyed using
structured questionnaire and analysed using statistics like descriptive
analysis, t – test, ANOVA test and factor analysis. The factor analysis reduced variables from 12
to 4. The four categories are price and promotional offers, variety, off season and origin, quality,
freshness, hygiene and production and appearance and packaging. Demographic
analysis is done for various factors. Gender, age and place of purchase groups
didn't show significant difference of satisfaction while, education, income,
time of purchase and frequency of purchase has shown significant differences of
satisfaction for various groups. The
results may help the decision makers to serve consumers better. The findings
may also be useful for further researchers.
Customer Satisfaction, Demographic factors, Factor analysis, Categories of
VOL.13, ISSUE No.3, September 2021