Vivekanandda J, Palanethra L
The purpose of the study is to
understand the dimensions of creative leadership, develop a questionnaire for
principals to measure creative leadership,and conduct a pilot study. A stratified
random sampling technique was adopted to study among 88school principals from varioustypes
of school management like government, private aided, and private schools from
urban and rural Bangalore.
This study presents a framework for understanding
creative leadership based on the previous review of the literature. The present
research reveals a new perspective of understating creative leadership in terms
of Personal Creativity Traits (PCT) and Professional Leadership Practice (PLP)among
principals at the schoollevel. The personal creativity traits include
risk-taking& learning from failure, originality of ideas,openness towards
others’ ideas, and belief&value system. Professionalleadership includesfour
practices which are discovering opportunities&problem solving, envisioning
the future &inspiring a shared vision, enabling collaboration &
strengthening the team, and encouraging the emotional connect in the team. The
reliability and validity of the Creative Leadership Tool for Principals (CLTP)are
also discussed. The finding of the studyindicates that there was no influence
of the type of school management on certain aspects of Personal Creativity
Traits (PCT) and Professional Leadership Practice (PLP). There is no
significant difference in the urban and rural locations of Bangalore with certain
aspects of Personal Creativity Traits (PCT) and all the subdomains of Professional
Leadership Practice (PLP).
Creative Leadership, Creativity, Leadership, Personal
Creativity Trait, Professional Leadership Practice, Problem Solving, Emotional
VOL.13, ISSUE No.3, September 2021