J. Eugene
Leadership is an assiduously cultivated art, and enduring leadership styles are seen as an invaluable asset that is designed to pass from one generation to the next. Since ancient times, the theory of leadership has historically evolved from a narrow, unidimensional concept into the multidimensional status it enjoys today as a prime developmental strategy. Change is the one constant and as situations and people change with the passage of time, workplace skills too need to evolve to keep pace with the prevailing trends. Prime among these are leadership skills that of a necessity need to evolve in order to stay abreast of the competition. Transformational leadership is the need of the hour in every workplace, collective evolution is of paramount importance as work environments and the workforce undergo rapid changes. Leadership skills must be capable of tackling such exponential organisational changes with a constant re-think of possibilities in the path to success. In the recent past, leadership skills and styles have become a topic of intense research with many pivotal studies conducted by the research community which continues to expend efforts to gain a better understanding of this management phenomenon. History abounds with inspiring tales of great leaders, foremost among them being the powerful Greek Emperor,Alexander the Great. History can be an excellent teacher and the success of historical figures such as Alexander from the ancient world can easily be replicated in the modern age. Many crucial leadership lessons can be learnt from the past and they continue to hold good in the technology driven world of today. A valiant emperor and mighty conqueror, King Alexander was an unparalleled military leader who maximised the potential of his soldiers by sharing his vision with his army who led him from one victory to another. A perfect example of a strong, rock solid leadership that was not averse to taking calculated risks in the ancient past to rise to stupendous power, it continues to be relevant in challenging contemporary times for exploring successful modern leadership styles.. This research paper sheds light on the vision and leadership skills of Alexander the Great, a fearless, revolutionary leader and a master tactician, through a meticulous study of his illustrious life and triumphant victories. This qualitative research is based on established historical sources which makes the narrative of one of the most notable emperors in history not only a source of instruction but also an engaging and informative read.
the Great, Development, Historical Research, Leadership, Reflexivity
VOL.13, ISSUE No.3, September 2021