Amit Agarwal, Abhishek Kumar Singh
the era of globalization, the business of goods and services has become international
rather than at the national level. Citizens of one country are moving freely
for employment in another country with certain restrictions. Due to
globalization, the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic took place on a global
scale. Globalization has had positive and negative effects on the economy of
any country. Different types of problems have arisen in different countries,
the main reason for them is considered to be globalization and the Covid-19
epidemic. Data were collected and analyzed from respondents about problems like
unemployment, poverty and economic and social inequalities, inflation or
increase in the rate of inflation, industrial sickness, low per capita income,
social structure, language, and cultural change, etc. presented through paper.
When we talk about India, 65 to 70 percent of the country's economy is
unorganized, so people like street vendors and auto drivers have been affected
the most by the lockdown. It will be a challenge for them to get their business
back up. Hotel, tourism, logistics, and aviation industries have been badly hit
due to the lockdown. The poor and downtrodden have been directly affected
during the lockdown. Although the central government and many state governments
have also offered to help this section in many ways, it will not be so easy to
recover directly from this effect.
Covid-19, employment, inflation..
VOL.13, ISSUE No.3, September 2021