Aftab Alam
The present
paper aims to discuss the effect of Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and
the problems caused especially to the students across the world. The primary
purpose of this paper is to highlight the problems faced by students due to
this pandemic. COVID-19 broke out in mid-month of December 2019 in Wuhan, China
in a few months spread all over the world like electricity. WHO declared this
virus as pandemic and students like other individuals are faced
withdifferentacute problems such as physiological, psychological, social,
socio-economic, socio-emotional, medical and healthcare, safety and security
and primarily educational. The increasing cases of this pandemic and deaths all
over the world have also created fear among students.Moreover, social
distancing, isolation and quarantine have also increased their fear to the
extent that cases of suicide are being reported. The COVID-19 outbreak has
affected the whole education system and led to the closing of all schools,
colleges, universities and other educational institutions. This virus has
severely affected all stakeholders of these institutions, also including
billions of students in the world. Since students face various other problems
apart from the ones mentioned, they find it difficult to cope with the
situation emerging out of the pandemic. On the top of it, the world was not
fully prepared to face such pandemic.
Outbreak, Problems Faced by Students, Problems Caused by COVID-19 and Effect of
VOL.13, ISSUE No.3, September 2021