Rajdeep Dutta, Joyashri Dey
United RSETI (Rural Self Employment Training Institute) in Cachar, Assam, acts
as a significant apparatus for skill development. It provides free and
convenient residential training opportunities for young people in Cachar and
its surrounding communities. Strengthening and skill development are reliant
upon the training institute's effectiveness. Institute trains the youth to
empower and to carry out several livelihood activities like fishing, tailoring,
agriculture, sericulture, dairy farms, etc through finest their skills. For
instance, the institute contributes to the development of competencies and
training as critical methods of fostering entrepreneurial strategies and skills
among the younger generation. The present research conducted a case study of a
prominent skill development training institute, the United RSETI Cachar. The study
discusses skill development opportunities and emphasizes the role of Cachar's
"United RSETI" in the field of skill development. Furthermore, the
paper seeks to identify notable social work practices that promote skill
development. The authors relied on fieldwork at United RSETI using KIIs (key
informant interviews) to understand United RSETI's contributions in the field
of Skill Development and FGDs (Focus Group Discussions) with social work
practitioners to examine the effectiveness and perception of social work
practice for skill development. Concurrently, secondary data was gathered from
a variety of sources and literature to gain additional insights into skill
development initiatives and practices.
Skill Development, Social Work Practice, United RSETI
VOL.13, ISSUE No.3, September 2021