Kamakshi Raipure
Gifted students differ significantly with their peers
in cognitive aspects, emotional and psychological aspects, and learning style.
A planned talent development program can help them to reach at their highest
potential. At present there are various talent development programs exist but
they are not uniform in the structure. Therefore, a systematic review of
journal articles on gifted education and talent development was done to
understand the structure and components of gifted education program. The
following journals; Roeper Review,
Journal for the
Education of the Gifted, Gifted Education International, Journal for the
Education of the Gifted,
Gifted Child Quarterly,
Gifted Child Today, Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, Journal
of Advanced Academics,
Journal for the
Education of Gifted Young Scientists, and cogent education were reviewed from online data bases like
Research gate, Google scholar, and Academia. Articles focused on talent
development published from 2011 to 2020 are considered for review. The review
was conducted to develop an insight and generate the themes about gifted
education that cater the need of talented at school and out-of-school. The
emerged themes would be helpful in developing an efficient and multifaceted
talent development program. Implication of the reviewed researches are
discussed which will be helpful for policy development and program development
for gifted and talented.
Systematic review, gifted education program, talent
development, enrichment, and acceleration.
VOL.13, ISSUE No.3, September 2021