Mahendrakumar Patel
This paper discussed different aspects of electronic resources used by bachelor of pharmacy students of KBIPER College. Paper cover frequency of library visit, places of accessing e-resources, purpose of using r-resources, sources through which students can know about e-resources, search strategies adopted by students for information search and the problems faced by the students while accessing and using r-resources. The study was conducted through structured questionnaires distributed among 100 students; out of them 90 dully filled questionnaires were received back. The overall response rate is 90%. The paper concludes that eresources become an integral part for the information and knowledge for students and research scholars. Hence there is a need to pay attention on building e-resources in the library
E-Resources, Electronic Media, Information Retrieval, User Study, Electronic Access, E-Journals, E-Journals use, KBIPER, KSV, Bachelor of pharmacy
VOL.8, ISSUE No.1, March 2016