The present research paper on Identity crisis in ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’
focuses on the development of identity in adolescents i.e. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville in the light of Erik
Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development. It is an insight which will prove beneficial to the teachers, parents,
and counselors in understanding the psychology of adolescents and will definitely help in the development of a
healthy relationship of adolescents and the society. Rowling’s characters and plots are so lively that they never let
anyone feel that he/she is reading a novel which relates to a world of fantasy. There is a reality grounded in this
fantasy. The way in which the characters struggle to search their identities, maple with the social issues, break the
rules to know the unknown are all the very characteristics which are found in the character of adolescents in the
world of reality. The effect of the upbringing, family background and behavior of the parents or the care takers can
be very clearly seen in the personalities of these characters. It leaves an impression that ‘a child is what we make
him/her.’ The analysis of the crisis of identity in adolescents is theoretical as well as based on research for gaining a
quality of life in adulthood.
Adolescence, Philosopher’s stone, Identity crisis, Identity confusion, identity
diffusion, identity moratorium, identity foreclosure.
VOL.8, ISSUE No.1, March 2016