S. Selvi Chandraghantham, D. Franklin Vaseekaran
The effects of Covid-19 have devastated the lives of many
with regard to both physical and mental aspects and have still persisted. As many lost their lives and many others
their loved ones, the psychological after-effects of the virus have left us
with a deep scar. This situation is an
entirely strange one for this generation as we have not witnessed one such in
our lifetime. While the elderly and the
adult are still struggling to cope up with the situation, the children are in
an entirely different state of mind.
They are being protected by the elderly family members, and luckily
governments in most of the countries prioritized the children and closed all
the educational institutions to ensure their safety. As the world was trying to protect the
children from the virus, the children were silently facing other unimaginable
problems. In real, some students were
facing psychological hardships. These
include issues like isolation, being separated from the loved ones, lack of
physical activity, and adverse effects from constant use of electronic
gadgets. The period of uncertainty has
also caused a huge amount of stress among students, especially students who are
at the graduating levels. The twelfth
grade students were not able to choose colleges with their course preference if
the college is far away and the students who are at the verge of completing
their degree have been rejected by many companies labeling them as the “corona
batch students.” These isolation and
rejection act as stressors. Sigmund Freud,
the great neurologist and psychologist of the early twentieth century is the
founder of psychoanalysis. He used the
term psychoanalysis to explain the strategies he used to treat his patients. The main strategy he used in psychoanalysis
is the “talk therapy.” In the modern
days, many clinics use the CARD system for children to wean off the fear of
vaccination. The expansion of the
abbreviation CARD is “Comfort, Ask, Relax and Divert, and this system has
proven to be effective among children to lessen the anxiety or fear for
vaccination. The same system in
collaboration with Sigmund Freud’s talk therapy can be used to lessen the
anxiety and the stress caused during the lockdown among students.
Talk therapy in students, CARD for anxiety issues, Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis
VOL.16, ISSUE No.3, September 2024