Makala Gandhi
Social progress amongst tribal groups generally lower
than that of other sections in the society. Tribal communities are mostly
located in hilly and forest surrounded regions having very less access to
health services and educational development. There are many variations found in
the society among the different caste groups with regarding lifestyle,
employment and living standards. Tribal people are mostly vulnerable and prone
to limited scope of socio- economic development.
In spite of number of efforts and keen focus has been
drawn towards wellbeing of tribal communities, still there exists a long way
for achieving the development to the fullest. A systematic strategy and plan
which aims at fuller utilization of resources to enhance and strengthen the
tribal society is very essential.
There is a need to improve the quality of life through
improved system of health and education. More priority to given for bringing
awareness among the tribal groups. Food habits, the way of communicating to
non- tribal groups, adaptive measures to the growing technology is very
significant concern to look into.
Tribal group, wellbeing,
utilisation of resources, quality of life.
VOL.16, ISSUE No.3, September 2024