Lokesh Jain, Bhavin Gohil
Administrative, social, health,
educational, religious and cultural institutions exist for the overall
development of rural areas of India. Some of the obstacles in the ethical
management of rural institutions are dishonesty, misappropriation of funds,
corruption, unsustainable use of natural resources, inadequate community
participation, nepotism, lack of transparency, exploitation, etc. To overcome
these problems, the implementation of ethical practices in management becomes
necessary. Since management is essential where humans work in groups, the
functions and principles of management are applicable in these rural institutions
as well. Among the different functions of management, directing function is
interrelated with all other functions. Directing occupies a central position in
all management functions, as the function of providing guidance and
encouragement to carry out planned work falls under directing. The task of
guiding and promoting principles of ethics falls under directing function of
management. The present research paper is based on the ethical sermon given by
Surpanakha to Ravana in Aranya Kanda of Sri Ramcharitmanas, a unique epic of
Indian culture. Surpanakha’s moral guidance to Ravana can also be implemented
for the ethical management of rural institutions, as it prescribes high
standards of ethics, integrity, honesty and transparency for mangers and leaders.
Therefore, in the presented conceptual research paper, the ethical sermon of
Surpanakha have been studied by integrating them with the contemporary
management functions and principles in comprehensive way, to make the administration
of rural institutions transparent and holistic.
Directing, Ethical Management, Rural
VOL.16, ISSUE No.3, September 2024