Ahmad Husain
Mathematics is considered
a core subject at universal level. Unfortunately, learners always face
difficulty in learning mathematics. Most of the students fear even to hear
about the subject mathematics. There is a stereotype threat in mathematics
among the students that mathematics is a difficult subject, and it could not be
picked up or grasped so easily by everyone and it is not a cup of tea of
everyone and so on. This notion pulls
back the mathematical achievement of the students in general. The investigators
felt immense need to find out the effect of creative teaching strategy in
eliminating mathematics stereotype threat among the secondary school students
and thereby techniques to increase students’ interest, attitude towards
mathematics and learning achievement in mathematics.
Stereotype threat in mathematics is a situational predicament in
which people feel themselves to be at risk of conforming to stereotypes about
their social group regarding the subject mathematics, like mathematics is the
most difficult and abstract subject, boys/girls cannot follow mathematics
easily, mathematics teachers are very strict and sensitive etc. Creative
teaching strategy means an innovative way of teaching where the teacher uses
novel ideas and techniques to transform the learning content to students in an
innovative way and thereby achieve students’ attention, interest and arouse
curiosity for further learning.
Design of the study is pre-test & post-test equivalent group
design, where 30 students from the secondary school were selected in an
experimental sample and 30 students were in control group Sample was selected after identifying the
students who faced the problem of
mathematics stereotype threat through the administration of mathematics
stereotype threat scale. Then the investigators provided treatment to the
experimental group through 10 creative mathematics lessons. A post-test was
administered after the completion of treatment to identify the effect of
creative Teaching strategy in eliminating mathematical threats among secondary
school students. Statistical techniques such as t-test were applied. This study
provides a route map to mathematics teachers and students on how to improve the
mathematics achievement of students by eliminating the stereotype threat
developed among them.
Creative Teaching Strategies, Mathematics threats and Secondary school students
VOL.16, ISSUE No.3, September 2024