B Parimal, Kavita Gupta
During COVID-19 Pandemic followed by locked down period, Mental health
has emerged as one of the essential componential thrust area to be considered
at individual level, community level, National level and International level.
To improve mental health in the present scenario, promotion of prevention with
coping up strategy is essential for better mental health functioning and Psychological
well-being. This review introduces an overview and discusses the conceptual
frameworks of Existential Counseling therapy to illustrate a direct
relationship between the anxiety of the general and affected populations due to
COVID-19 and their ability to maintain optimal mental health functioning in the
face of prolonged quarantine period. Based on literatures to date,
understanding of Existential psychology as a preventive counseling therapy for
mental health with a macroscopic perspective might help to practice positive
mental health promotion and anxiety prevention. This study aims to characterize
Existential Counseling as an appropriate preventive intervention and therapy that
can feasibly be delivered to aid in the alleviation of symptoms of anxiety
caused due to COVID-19 Pandemic.
A narrative review was conducted given the wide range of relevant
interventions with sufficient promising evidence to understand the conceptual
framework ofExistential Counseling as preventivepsychotherapy in the present
crisis of COVID-19 Pandemic.
Interventions provided for optimal Mental Health functioning during the
COVID-19 Pandemic have an important role to play in promoting mental health,
preventing the onset, and protecting those with Anxiety symptoms. The
importance of Existential Counseling as a preventive Psychotherapybeing
highlighted in the present study is the need of hour in present scenario that
lays the foundation for further research.
Existential Counseling; COVID-19; Anxiety
VOL.12, ISSUE No.2, March 2020