Priyanki R Vyas, Kinjal G Parmar
Literacy become common word’s among people, usually it
defined the ability to read and write. Development of the information
technology literacy develop in the form of various categories, i.e. Information
literacy, media literacy, digital literacy etc. Media literacy is the ability
to identify different types of media and understand the message they’re
sending. The library is place of sharing resources, ideas, information and
knowledge with different media, because of the library also need require
awareness of media literacy among users. Library have many kinds of media like
social media, printed media, electronic media and digital media which help in
creating media literacy among users. The digital era makes easy to create any
kind of media. With the media literacy innovative ideas and activities should
be introduce in form of library campaigns.
Information Literacy, Media
Literacy, Library Campaigns, Digital Literacy
VOL.12, ISSUE No.2, March 2020