Film and television have become part and parcel of our daily life. The days are gone when people used to read literature for joy and entertainment. The study of novel and its film adaptation is an inter-medium study. A film is more like a novel, the action being presented not directly by actors but by a camera. Jane Austen is a famous novelist of the Eighteenth Century. There are number of film adaptation of Jane Austen’s novels. There are number of parameters to compare a novel with its film adaptation. The critics have not come to any conclusion as far the parameters are concerned. The researcher points out some of the parameters to compare any novel of Jane Austen with its any film adaptation. Changes made by the director, is one of the main parameters to compare a novel with its film adaptation. In this research paper the researcher compares Emma with its one of the film adaptations on the base of changes made by the director.
VOL.8, ISSUE No.1, March 2016