DoI: 10.37867/TE090101 Keywords: Social networking, Social media, Facebook, Twitter, Consumption pattern
Social networking, Social media, Facebook, Twitter, Consumption pattern
Keywords: Web 2.0, Social Media Technology, RSS, Blog, Vodcast, OPAC 2.0, Tagging, Facebook, Twitter,Youtube
Keywords: Decentralization, Gram Sabha, Democracy, Governance
Keywords: Constitution, Judiciary, Fundamental Rights.
Keywords: Fidelity, Conventions, Consciousness, Contemporary
Keywords: Dalit, Self-narrative, Search for Identity, Autobiography
Dalit, Self-narrative, Search for Identity, Autobiography
Keywords: carbon emissions, climate change, sustainable development, international cooperation
Keywords: Academic; foundation; discipline
Keywords: IFRS, Convergence to IFRS, challenges before Indian banks, Financial reporting.
IFRS, Convergence to IFRS, challenges before Indian banks, Financial reporting.
Keywords: Feminism, Gynocentrism, Identity, plight, Women suppression, Inequality; Feministic theory, Patriarchy etc.
Keywords: India, Telecommunications, Internet, Broadband, Consumer
Keywords: Motivation, Learning Process, Second language learning, Social Psychology, Instrumental and Integrative orientation, Differential success
Keywords: પસ્ુતકાલય નેટવર્કિંગ, કોમ્પ્યટુર, કોમ્પયનુ ીકેશન, રીસોસકશેરીંગ, ટેકનોલોજી નવસ્ફોટ, ઈન્ટરનેટ,