Keywords: communication skills, tribal, management, personality
communication skills, tribal, management, personality
Keywords: Diaspora, Culture, Colonialism, Chronotope, Memory
Keywords: Poetry, Seventeenth Century, Elizabethan Age, Metaphysical School
Keywords: CLBA, standardized tests, Canada, immigrant language learning
Keywords: Glocalization (Glocal), Adaptation, Appropriation
Keywords: Indian English Writing, Influence of the West, Writers’ Contribution, Thematic Approach, Fiction, New Woman, and Marriage.
Keywords: Language; international; lingua franca
Keywords: Vignette, Caste, Cinema, Society, Intermediate.
Keywords: e-commerce, B2B, B2C, C2C, HTTPS, SSL, OTP, Verification by VISA/MASTER
Keywords: Political theatre, Naxalite movement, Power Structure
Keywords: Social Media, Social Networking Sites (SNSs), Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya (K.S.V.), Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) Students
Keywords: foreign language, activity based learning, language teachers
Keywords: Diaspora, Challenges of Indian Diaspora, Indo-Canadians.
Keywords: Writing, form, content, ESL students, Canada
Keywords: Liquidity, profitability, financial performance